General Conference is just around the corner…
Follow here to stay up to date and learn about this gathering!

  • General Conference

    General Conference is The United Methodist Church’s to lawmaking body. Scheduled to meet every four years, the General Conference was not able to meet in 2020 due to the global pandemic. Now, the worldwide delegates will meet in Charlotte from April 23-May 3, 2024.

  • Pre-GC Briefing

    Before Pastor Joe heads to Charlotte as part of the Pacific Northwest Annual Conference Delegation, join him at either of these online Pre-GC Briefings. He will share about some of the logistics, some expectations, and answer any questions you might have!

    Wednesday 4/17 at 6:00PM (Click HERE for Zoom link)

    Thursday 4/18 at 10AM (Click HERE for Zoom link)

  • Post-GC Briefing

    After 12 days in Charlotte, Pastor Joe returns to share some of his experiences, including updates on legislation and policies, and where the UMC might be headed next! Join him a either of these online Post-GC Briefings.

    Wednesday 5/8 at 6:00PM (Click HERE for Zoom link)

    Friday 5/10 at 12noon (Click HERE for Zoom link)